Is your little one feeling under the weather?

Dealing with a feverish child can be worrying, but with the right approach, you can help them feel better and navigate this challenging time confidently.

Here are some essential guides to comforting a sick child and managing their fever like a pro.

Monitor the temperature.

Use a thermometer to check your child’s temperature regularly. A fever is usually considered to be a temperature of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher. A fever trend can give some clues regarding the underlying illness. For example, influenza infection (flu) often presents with a persistent high-grade fever.

Keeping your child comfortable.

Help them feel more comfortable by ensuring they rest in a cool, comfortable environment. Dress them lightly to prevent overheating, but make sure they stay warm enough. Your nurturing and caring approach can make a significant difference in their recovery.

Serving fever medicine.

If your child has any discomfort from the fever, you can give them fever-reducing medications such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. Always follow the dosage instructions carefully based and do not overdose your child. If you are unsure about the fever medicine dosage, contact your doctor or a pharmacist for guidance.

Stay well hydrated and eat right.

Choose foods that are easy to digest and gentle on their tummy. Opt for soup, broth, crackers, toast, rice, bananas, applesauce, yogurt, and boiled or steamed vegetables. These foods provide essential nutrients without putting too much strain on the digestive system. Remember to also keep your child hydrated, especially when they’re sick. Offer plenty of fluids, such as water, diluted fruit juices, electrolyte solutions, or popsicles.

Know when to seek medical attention.

If your child is very young, has a high fever (especially if they are under 3 months old), or has other warning signs like neck stiffness, severe headache, convulsions, difficulty in breathing, reduced urine output or an unexplainable rash, do seek medical attention soonest possible.

Most fever are not harmful.

Parents need to remember that fever is often the body’s natural response to an infection and is usually not harmful. However, do trust your parental gut instinct and seek help whenever you have concerns about your child’s wellbeing.